Facultative class 4 - urban geodesy  

Discussion of ways to conduct urban maps, including: the basic map of the city, derivative and theorical maps and ways to update them. Performing complementary measurements, terrain profiles and maps for design purposes for urbanized areas. Geodetic development of a detailed spatial development plan for urban areas. Geodetic issues occurring in the land management of urban areas. Geodetic networks: horizontal basic, detailed, high-altitude notations - characteristics of the basic for the city. Implementation warns for the layout of streets, municipal routes, railway station, workplace, bridge or other engineering facility in highly urbanized areas. Ways of designing, putting on and conservation. Systems of stabilization of urban and implementation systems. Map for the purpose of the first . Regulations and rules for the implementation of design and executive studies. Systems for the implementation of the task in an analytical form along with a vector graphic presentation. Geodetic service for the construction of a residential investment erected using various techniques (from the traditional method through industrial methods to the sliding method). Construction and assembly panels for the implementation of construction services. Measurement techniques in geodetic operation of buildings. Examples of innovations in construction. Skyscrapers and technics their geodetic construction service. Road objects and flyover structures, bridges and viaducts in the city area and geodetic works at the design, implementation and operation stages. Control measurements Discussion of the principles of designing tec equipment and indirect methods and techniques of their detection. GESUT as a data collection system on technical utilities. Instructions and legal acts as formal documents regulating the rules of operation of the system. Metro as a legal system of communication and underground construction: – design and provision of a special framework, – construction of tunnels and elements of geodetic service of shield guidance , - control of the shape of the tunnel during and after construction,- monitoring of displacements of the building and their surroundings,
Facultative class 4 - urban geodesy

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